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  • CMYK vs. RGB
    CMYK refers to Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK which are the four colors used in 4-color process printing. RGB is Red, Green and Blue which are the three colors that comprise of digital screens like smart phones, TVs and computer monitors.
  • Vector vs. Raster
    Vector files are graphics created using point-to-point drawings. These drawings can be scaled to any size without losing quality. Logos are most typically vector files. A raster image is comprised of a specific number of dots per inch and will lose quality if the size of the image is increased. Photos are raster images.
  • What does "bleed" mean?"
    Bleed refers to printed items where the ink goes beyond the area that will be trimmed off. Printed items that do not bleed leave a white border surrounding the entire printed area.
Cosmetic Products
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